The Success Show Case Conference held at Cheltenham , outside London over the weekend was an oppurtunity for a refreshing weekend break in a relaxing atmosphere and in very good company.
The 2 hours drive from London to the venue with my friend was a fun-filled time; with lots of talks and laughter, all the way.
Rolling green fields, dotted with early spring flowers, ponds, lakes and farmsteads made the beautiful English country side a delightful sight.
The Conference was well attended by about two thousand delegates from all over the U.K. It was a most rewarding experience. A time to renew friendships and make new acquaintances.
It was indeed an Achievers' Weekend. All the seven speakers were men and women who had excelled in their various fields; with remarkable accounts of how they got to their present positions after surmounting degrees of challenges in life.
For me two points stood out:
The wonderful life account given by best-selling author and
Special Guest Speaker, Richard McCann (
He spoke for over 1 hour. His speech was spiced with lots of humour and photo slides ; causing roars of laughter. But there were very few dried eyes at the end of his speech. It was a truly gripping narrative.
I have heard of and seen a lot of battered lives and heard loads of amazing life stories. Before Saturday,I thought I had heard and seen it all.It was quite an experience to listen somebody who had gone through major upheavals in life from infancy to adulthood like Richard did; yet is alive to talk about it and has achieved remarkable success out of it all.
His young and innocent life was shaken to the core at the age of 5 when his mother,Wilma McCann , became the first victim of
Peter Sutcliffe,the "Yorkshire Ripper"; the convicted serial murderer now serving a life sentence.
At that tender age, one morning, Richard and his sisters received the harrowing news that their mother had been attacked and murdered as she walked home the previous evening.
She had been stabbed 14 times and strangled !
After that, he and his young siblings lived with their father and in care.
Richard was a well known face to Social Services.
He went through it all; pain, shame, abuse,fear, bewilderment,poverty,lack of formal education,deprivations,drugs,prison,and prejudice(for having red hair!).
Yet he has survived it all.
Today, at 36, Richard is a valued supporter of the Samaritans, of S.A.M.M.(Support After Murder& Manslaughter)and he works with the Youth Offending Service.
He has been able to rise above crippling challenges to become a well sought-after public speaker and best-selling author.
He has been to No. 10 Downing Street as a Guest of the Prime Minister.
After the Conference,he was mobbed by delegates at the foyer as he signed copies of his best-selling book ,"Just A Boy - The True Story of a Stolen Childhood"; which I believe is a must-read for all.
Richard McCann is living proof that nobody should hold on to any excuse for being a failure in life. No one should accept and buckle under the knocks and blows which we all receive, at least once, from cradle to grave.
Thank God for such an uplifting testimony.
He who has kept Richard McCann through it all , has a reason and purpose for this remarkable life. May Richard and his family continue to receive a revelation of him and of his immense Love. Amen
Finally, in his summary and closing speech ,Bob Parker said :
" Every life is designed to be successful; but,somehow, along the way,people are programmed for mediocrity and failure".
Very true . The difference between those who make it in life and those who don't make it is the ability and willingness to shake oneself from the dust , rise up and go!
Next Showcase Date will be in March at the Alexandra Palace , London .
Watch this space .
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
FROM MY GARDEN - Ikebana Style

Look around your garden and it will surprise you that you can put together simple
flower arrangements using flowers and foliage from your garden.
I had fun putting together this Ikebana (Japanese-style floristry) arrangement, using flowers from my garden.
It sits well on any table top and should last for 2 weeks.
Soon, I will feature more elaborate floristry designs for the home , weddings and other events and celebrations . Watch this blog.
Friday, 20 February 2009
I feel good after I've done a big and complete laundry.
"Complete" means no piece of dirty clothing or linen has been left out.
We all know the pleasure of folding away crisp-clean, dried and Lenor-fragrant
laundry; after hours of loading and off loading the washing machine and dryer.
Usually, the satisfaction results in a burst of energy and zeal to do more .Why stop at the laundry; why not spring-clean the entire apartment?
Snow has never ceased to fascinate me. I love that sparkling whiteness of freshly-fallen snow.Especially when the snow fall is heavy and covers everything in a complete blanket of fluffy pure white. It is a gorgeous sight to behold .
Cloaking all the dirt, blemishes and ugliness in new garments of brilliant white. Making everything evenly white and beautiful.
Some people complain about the coming of snow; even hate the sight of it!
Nobody likes melting snow.When snow starts melting, it changes to slush and black ice which is ugly and dangerous to pedestrians and drivers.
Then it is no longer snow. The beautiful Snow is gone ; revealing imperfections.
"As white as snow...., be as wool......"
What would anything as white as snow look like?
I am yet to see anything as white and truly desirable as snow.
The Maker and Giver of snow is the Master Launderer.
When he says as white as snow, he means it.
He has promised us a complete and really good laundry . He says "Come..."
"Come and be washed clean. As white as snow .
I know the contents of your Laundry Bag and I don't mind at all. Come with all the dirt and stains which all the detergents and stain-removers on earth have failed to clean out.... Come with all your issues and perplexities..I will make you whole again".
"Come now, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow..
If you are WILLING and OBEDIENT you shall eat the good of the land" Isaiah 1:18,19. (See )
"Complete" means no piece of dirty clothing or linen has been left out.
We all know the pleasure of folding away crisp-clean, dried and Lenor-fragrant
laundry; after hours of loading and off loading the washing machine and dryer.
Usually, the satisfaction results in a burst of energy and zeal to do more .Why stop at the laundry; why not spring-clean the entire apartment?
Snow has never ceased to fascinate me. I love that sparkling whiteness of freshly-fallen snow.Especially when the snow fall is heavy and covers everything in a complete blanket of fluffy pure white. It is a gorgeous sight to behold .
Cloaking all the dirt, blemishes and ugliness in new garments of brilliant white. Making everything evenly white and beautiful.
Some people complain about the coming of snow; even hate the sight of it!
Nobody likes melting snow.When snow starts melting, it changes to slush and black ice which is ugly and dangerous to pedestrians and drivers.
Then it is no longer snow. The beautiful Snow is gone ; revealing imperfections.
"As white as snow...., be as wool......"
What would anything as white as snow look like?
I am yet to see anything as white and truly desirable as snow.
The Maker and Giver of snow is the Master Launderer.
When he says as white as snow, he means it.
He has promised us a complete and really good laundry . He says "Come..."
"Come and be washed clean. As white as snow .
I know the contents of your Laundry Bag and I don't mind at all. Come with all the dirt and stains which all the detergents and stain-removers on earth have failed to clean out.... Come with all your issues and perplexities..I will make you whole again".
"Come now, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow..
If you are WILLING and OBEDIENT you shall eat the good of the land" Isaiah 1:18,19. (See )
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Flourish and Blossom Abundantly
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; she shall grow like the cedar in Lebanon.
Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age;they shall be fat and flourishing;
To shew that the Lord is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him. Psalm 92:12-15.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Flowers,gorgeous Valentine flowers , are THE essence of romance.
I, like millions of women, have come to cherish this gesture of love and appreciation from our spouses or partners. Not only on Valentine Day but as often as the occasion calls for it.I am sure that, yesterday , the sight of those gorgeous flowers , chocolates, cards, lingerie, perfumes and candle-lit dinners gave pleasure and happiness to millions world wide .
Pleasure to both the receiver and the giver.
For me, the pleasure still lingers on.
The true test of love is :when you take away the feeling, the passion , the lust and the romance and you find out that you still care for that person.
Valentine Day has received knocks as being "too commercialised" and "carnal".
But what woman (or man) or child wouldn't love to be appreciated and reassured?
An essential part of expressing mutual love is exchanging kind, loving words and gifts.Congratulations to millions of lovey-doveys , world-wide, who kept the fire of romance burning on Valentine Day. Thank you for "being there" and for bringing sunshine into someone's life in this climate of gloom and doom.
Agreed,Love cannot be measured by the exchange of expensive gifts. It is priceless.
However, on this earthly plane, people tend to place their treasures (money included!) where their heart is.
Love is the wonderful feeling for another person that cannot be described by words only but also by actions . So watch that lover who professes undying love but spends his /her money on everything and everybody else except on you . Excuse? "Free love is the ideal ". Free love indeed!
Love is placing or finding our happiness in the happiness of another.
Love is the noble art of self -giving; of losing a part of your yourself to become one with your loved one. So keep the flag of loving and giving flying!
How did you spend yesterday? Alone ? You received your card, flowers and present but he/she made excuses for W.B.A. (Will Be Absent)- due to unforeseen "work commitments" Ouch! Or , did you receive a love- quotes-filled , gorgeous card addressed by him/her to someone else; but given or sent to you ,by mistake? Hmm.....
Well , these are topics for another day .
Take heart . The best is yet to come. Life goes on.
If love is blind, do not be the one who forgot to buy a cane.
Tina Edgal.
Love is not about finding the perfect person .
It is the unconditional commitment to an imperfect person.
John 3:16
Love is not blind; love sees and doesn't mind at all.
For while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
The fruit of Faith is Love .
We receive his love when we believe in and accept him as Saviour.
We are made perfect in His love for the Lover of our soul loves us with an Everlasting love .
His Love gives us Joy; that is unconditional happiness.
Giving Oil to the bones and Strength to the soul of the Beloved.
Joy is his Net of Love. Catching and loving souls. FOREVER.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Like Hinds' Feet !
I skip upon my high places with joy and praise ;
Scaling over barriers and mountains with enlarged steps;
My feet have not slipped being girded with strength.
For he has made my feet like hinds' feet and set me upon my high places.
His gentleness has made me great and unstoppable.
Shielded and holden- up to pursue, overtake and overcome!
Psalm 18:32-37(rephr.)
-Tina Edgal
Scaling over barriers and mountains with enlarged steps;
My feet have not slipped being girded with strength.
For he has made my feet like hinds' feet and set me upon my high places.
His gentleness has made me great and unstoppable.
Shielded and holden- up to pursue, overtake and overcome!
Psalm 18:32-37(rephr.)
-Tina Edgal
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Flowers,gorgeous Valentine flowers , are THE essence of romance. I, like millions of women, have come to cherish this gesture of lo...