Apple launched their lastest telecom garget, the iPad,in the UK ,on Friday,May 21st. The much-awaited launch was another exciting day for London shoppers !
Crowds of thousands of expectant buyers stood in long queues for over 16 hours , some overnight, outside Apple Stores in Regent Street , London .
The Desirable Apple iPad .

The iPad has been warmly welcomed here with unprecedented UK demand !
200,000 iPads were sold on the first day and the demand for this latest must-have gadget is still very high in the UK,even days after its launch.
Anybody who thought the iPad's hefty UK price tag meant it was going to fail on these shores has already been proved wrong.
The Wi-Fi-only iPad starts out at £429 for the 16GB version, then goes up to £499 for the 32GB and £599 for the 64GB. These iPads and their apps are being grabbed up , fast.
However,the good news is, PC World and Curry's ,have assured their customers that many of their stores, all over London , have at least ten iPAD each ,left in stock.
So,if like me ,you couldn't be bothered to queue up for it ,hurry and grab one now!
The huge crowd in front of Apple's stores , Regents Street, London ; at the launch.

On the queue and watching a slide show of the new iPad , before the store opened

Jake, 17, queued all night , to be the first person to get his Ipad !

Celebrity Guest appearance by actor Stephen Fry

Emma , gleeful to be one of the first people to emerge from the huge crowd inside the store with her new Ipad !

World Tallest Couple, complete with bridal wear , grabbing their copies .

Apple Store Glass Staircase , London.

The long queue of patient hopefuls !