Volunteering at the Games: be a part of London 2012.
The count down for the London 2012 Olympics has begun. Be there for London.
London 2012 promises to be an inspirational experience – especially for those involved in making it happen.
Find out about the different ways to be involved with the London 2012 Games.
There is a vast array of opportunities for volunteering and for jobs:
London 2012 volunteers are called ‘Games Makers’.
Applications to become a Games Maker are now closed, but there are other ways to get involved with the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
You could also be a:
*London Ambassador
* Member of the Changing Places programme
* Pre Games Trailblazer
You can log into the the London 2012 website for more news and updates and you can manage your application online.
For many of the volunteering roles you will need to be 18 or over by 1 January 2012.
Some volunteer positions may require criminal record checks.
See 'Criminal record checks - an introduction' for more information.
Become a London Ambassador
London Ambassadors - Home Page
You can still take part in the London Ambassadors programme, which is recruiting up to 8,000 volunteers.
London Ambassadors will be located at key points across the city - including transport hubs, outside Games venues, and at popular visitor spots. They will provide much needed information on what to see and do, where to stay and how to get around the capital.
If you are given a role, you'll be given full training and you’ll get your own uniform, a meal and free travel (within London Underground Zones 1-6) for every shift worked.
Changing Places community programme
London 2012 is not just about sport – it’s a great opportunity to improve the capital's environment and its prospects for the future.
The Changing Places programme encourages volunteers to get involved in their local area by improving the bad parts and celebrating the good.
For advice on how to get started and change the face of your neighbourhood, you can take a look at the Changing Places toolkit. This has guidance on what to consider when creating your own project, like health and safety and using the right equipment.
Download 'Changing Places toolkit' from the London 2012 website (PDF, 2.8MB)
Changing Places grants
Changing Places has teamed up with Keep Britain Tidy to provide grants of up £1,000 to help kick-start neighbourhood projects.
Trailblazers - helping out before the Games start
Most volunteers will be needed at Games time, but a small number of volunteers, known as Trailblazers, are needed in the run-up to the Games.
Three hundred Trailblazers have already been recruited since January 2009.
Each Trailblazer volunteers one day a week, for a minimum of four months. Trailblazers perform a wide range of administrative duties across many parts of the London 2012 team.
Visit the London 2012 website for more information about the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.