"For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish."
Luke 14 : 28 - 30.
Some people would admit that within a time frame of as short as about two hours of discussion and interacting with others , that they would have formed their first impressions of that adult or child.
They would be able to guess what are the levels of those persons' social background , their education and their overall mentality.
Basing their judgement on their very first meeting , people have been known to decide to form relationships or to reject any further interactions with persons whom they see as not "fitting the bill " of their expectations.
For those who rely on their first impressions or first instincts, they could change their mind and decide to defer their final judgement on that person until after they make extra efforts to find out more about the person . Usually this decision to "get to know better" would arise if and only if such persons have aroused their interest because they find them physically attractive or because they think that such persons could be useful to them in future.
Life becomes less complicated if one knew what one should know about products before buying them, as I wrote in my previous blog titled " Reviews-powered Shopping".
As well, life would be hassles-free if we knew before hand what and who we allow to come into our lives.
Just as we have the guidance of products reviews , wouldn't it be nice to have " people - reviews" too?
Having the foresight provided by the medium of honest and reliable recommendations is vital in aiding us in assessing people before we decide to reject them or admit them into our lives .
How wise is it to depend on human knowledge when forming a first impression about anyone ?
Using our own limited human knowledge ,
it is not possible to know the true picture about anyone .
Whatever the information or knowledge is , which we are searching for to enable us form our impressions about people , there is the need for moderation and caution .
Divinely - inspired revelations about people and things are the ultimate source of knowledge which can guarantee fool-proof and error-proof decision - making .
The easy alternative is to depend on our impressions or on "hear-say".
If you do that, you could make the costly mistake of
Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish."
Luke 14 : 28 - 30.
Some people would admit that within a time frame of as short as about two hours of discussion and interacting with others , that they would have formed their first impressions of that adult or child.
They would be able to guess what are the levels of those persons' social background , their education and their overall mentality.
Basing their judgement on their very first meeting , people have been known to decide to form relationships or to reject any further interactions with persons whom they see as not "fitting the bill " of their expectations.
For those who rely on their first impressions or first instincts, they could change their mind and decide to defer their final judgement on that person until after they make extra efforts to find out more about the person . Usually this decision to "get to know better" would arise if and only if such persons have aroused their interest because they find them physically attractive or because they think that such persons could be useful to them in future.
Life becomes less complicated if one knew what one should know about products before buying them, as I wrote in my previous blog titled " Reviews-powered Shopping".
As well, life would be hassles-free if we knew before hand what and who we allow to come into our lives.
Just as we have the guidance of products reviews , wouldn't it be nice to have " people - reviews" too?
Having the foresight provided by the medium of honest and reliable recommendations is vital in aiding us in assessing people before we decide to reject them or admit them into our lives .
How wise is it to depend on human knowledge when forming a first impression about anyone ?

Whatever the information or knowledge is , which we are searching for to enable us form our impressions about people , there is the need for moderation and caution .
Divinely - inspired revelations about people and things are the ultimate source of knowledge which can guarantee fool-proof and error-proof decision - making .
The easy alternative is to depend on our impressions or on "hear-say".
If you do that, you could make the costly mistake of