Thursday, 31 December 2015

.....Because Jesus Christ is Lord !

It 's another Christmas season and once again the world rolls out the drums of celebrations and worship unto Jesus Christ the son of God who came to live among men and to give mankind  reasons to celebrate at Christmas .
The Christmas Season will end with fan fare with the entrance of the New year on the 1st January.
What a privilege and honour to celebrate another Christmas season being alive and well in the land of the living !
Such amazing grace to partake of God's faithfulness and goodness throughout 2015 !
We say "Thank you, Jesus  "!

This is the time of the year  to take stock of our lives and to give thanks for all the great things the Lord has done for us.

I am sure your own testimonies are as great as mine.
 I have every reason to sing praises , to dance and to shout with the voice of triumph  because the Lord God was very good to me and my household in the year 2015.
My testimony is this , in a nutshell :
As usual , at the beginning of the year 2015, I gave God a list of  requests for my family and for my friends and a list of my desirable personal blessings and victories which were dear to my heart and which I wanted God to do for me , ASAP.
Also,  I told God that in addition to these my desirable blessings and victories , I did not want to carry over any  unfinished projects into 2016.
Talk of giving my Father a "Tall Order!" of gifts desired !
Our prayer lives should not be at its peak at Christmas season only .
We must offer  fervent and continuous prayers and intercessions to God throughout the year .
The fervent prayers of the righteous avail much , coupled with the mercy and the grace of God.

You know what ?

 My God specialises in carrying out  tall orders :  even exceeding what I expected!
Glory Hallelujah ! Jesus is Lord indeed!
Every thing I asked my God at the beginning of  2015 to do for me before the year ended , HE DID THEM ALL for me , beautifully and He even gave me more blessings and victories than I asked for What an awesome God !!
"This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in my sight !"
That is why I rejoice not only at Christmas , but everyday of my life !
For my God reigns in my life and in my situations , all through the year .
Taste the Lord and see that the Lord is good , indeed!

Donning one of the "silly head gears!" Hmmm...!

To those who " don't do Christmas " and for those Believers  who "do Christmas" but they believe it should be a season of muted celebrations , spent in sobre reflections over the "sins of the world",
 I say " sorry , but no apologies",  that all these loud Christmas celebrations are IN YOUR FACE , everywhere, all over the earth ! 
Well, you may wonder   why all this fuss , the shopping , the noise , the FEASTING  and the "silly" Christmas wares? !
You don't do Christmas ? Ouch ! 
Wishing you more days on the mountain of " sobre reflections" .
Well. The point is , I ,we , the billions of inhabitants of the earth " do Christmas " with all the fuss , the noise ,  the feasting, the shopping , the "commercialisation" (?) and all the Christmas wears and wares , every year.
How about that ?
We love Christmas  and the earth is rejoicing with loud celebrations and shouts of joy at the birth of  Jesus Christ the King of  Kings, the Prince of Peace who has given Joy to all the world .
Jesus is the Lord of Lords . His birthday is worthy of all celebrations ,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Big Thanks to you all my wonderful friends , hundreds of you and still counting , who have bought  my books on Amazon Kindle .

God bless you all , richly !
My latest book "It's  Christmas ! Let the Earth Rejoice !!" is about the different perspectives of celebrating Christmas by the different peoples of the earth ; including the discussions about the mentality which preaches the accusations of  "the worldliness and the commercialisation  of Christmas , the pagan Christmas date , pagan symbols , pagan icons and silly wears and wares !" .
This book is a good addition to your Kindle Library.
The contents of the book present a fresh and bright outlook on why all over the world , to the glory of God , both Christians and non-Christians celebrate Christmas .
It is selling fast on Amazon Kindle. 
Grab your copy . Thank you .


Thursday, 17 December 2015

"THE VISION OF MY FATHER "- What is it about ?

Now on sale on  kindle .

Excerpts from the book  : 

" God started His relationship with man from His pedestal as the Creator of man ; as such,  from the beginning , not man, but God called and He is still calling the shots.
God ‘s mind is His will which is expressed through God’s word.
In the relationship between God and man , God’s word were and  have been His guiding principles for man's walk with God .
God ‘s word  says "This is my word to light your path in my relationship with you and these are the consequences of your rejecting my word 
Your reward for obeying my word are peace, victory and joy in my presence for ever."
Then God gave Man and still gives man the freewill to accept or reject His word......"

"The Vision of My Father " is my seven -chapter e-book ; my own little contribution to herald the much -awaited Final Post of the plan of God for mankind. 
It is about , chiefly, the expression of the love of God whereby He created man for the Purpose of ordaining man as God 's heir  on the earth.
Also , I have written about why and how it is imperative that man reciprocates God's Love by responding through Faith and Hope.
This essential thread of God's Love, man's Faith and man's Hope is evident throughout  all the chapters of the book .
The book "The Vision of my Father " sets out  to present God's Salvation Plan from before Elohim the Triune God created man in His own image and before He re-created and transformed the earth from being a watery waste land , festering in darkness to become a beautiful and functional planet; now the befitting place for human habitation  .
The book describes the elaborate preparations made by Elohim to make the earth the very best home for Adam and Eve.
Also , I have written about these Truths :
* Why God speaks to man , even after repeated rebellion from mankind;
* Who Jesus Christ is ;
* How and why the name of Jesus Christ is the only name whereby  man can       be saved.
 * Why Christ is the only way and the only access to God the Father and to            eternal life.  
* Why God has continued to uphold His Vision for mankind  and for the earth; 
* God has kept His word til now ; therefore we can rely on the word of God          regarding the events which will take place soon on the earth.

The Vision of God sets out to deliberately transform the earth for two purposes:
1. Earth was created to be inhabited  by man;
2. The purpose of the Second Coming of the Lord .
Not only was the earth created to be inhabited by humans, but the earth was created to be the place where Christ came to live and to die for all mankind ; also the earth is the planet where Christ after His Second Coming ; will set up the Kingdom of Heaven and His reign as King .
The book discusses the following soon-coming events on the earth ; how and why all mankind must prepare for these events and the position of the Body of Christ, the Church ,  in the Last Days :
1. The Rapture of the Saints ;
2.  The Great Tribulation years after the Rapture ;
3. The Remnant Church;
4. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ ;
5. The Kingdom of Heaven is established on earth.

Today , more than ever before the Kingdom of God on the earth await the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ when He will return to the earth an the conquering King of Kings; to begin His reign in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
All creations groan and we are excited and expectant as we await the glorious event of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ .
For Christians ,this will be the time for receiving our expected glorious inheritance as promised by God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ .
We say , "Come, Lord Jesus !"

Friday, 10 July 2015

BLANK by Choice.

In countries where the citizens have the opportunities of  free access to top education and free access to use technological gadgets like the Internet ; most people living in such countries are well informed and well educated.
Even in such countries , illiterates and  ignorant persons though a rarity , are found there as well .
 But these are exceptions to the rule .  Such persons are uneducated by their own personal choices .
This is in sharp contrast to the reasons for people being uneducated in some other countries where people are illiterates not by their own choice , but that is their lot because of their limitations such as poverty , lack of access to educational facilities or the general prevailing culture of illiteracy in their immediate families or communities.

 Ironically, there are ignorant persons who have free access to  ways and means of self- emancipation from ignorance but they are unwilling to use them .
What then can be said or done to help such persons ?
Some weeks ago , just a few days after the 7th May 2015 UK General Elections , that was the puzzle discussed by  millions of people in the UK and abroad who heard of the news of a British citizen who asked her friends , " Who is David Cameron ? "
This was the strange  question to her bewildered Face Book friends from Devon Boon , a British 21 year old mother  .
 Miss Boon admitted on Facebook that she didn't know who David Cameron was - and that she thought that Barack Obama was a terrorist.
 Devon , a toddler's mother ,  also could not fathom WHAT the excitement was all about Teletubbies the popular award winning Children TV programme .
Devon Boon , from Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, said she didn't vote because she didn't know the difference between Labour and Conservative and she thought you had to pay to vote !
And she asked her 2,000 Facebook friends: 'Who's David Cameron and why do people keep posting about him?'
Devon could not recognise President Obama's photograph and she thought  he was a terrorist !
Some American  citizens  would not recognise Prime Minster David Cameron's photo  either .
During a state visit by David Cameron to the USA last year, an American TV news crew went on the streets of NewYork City and showed some people Cameron's photograph and asked them who he was. Majority of the people they asked did not know who David Cameron was.
Fair enough that they did not know what the Prime Minister of Great Britain looked like.
Their ignorance could be excused because they weren't British citizens.
During one of the Queen's visits to the USA , the Queen's speech  was being watched on TV by millions of Americans including a teenager and his family. 
The teenager asked his parents during the speech  ," Gee ! Why is the Queen speaking English like that ? She sounds funny ! "
An American boy could be amused that  the Queen of England spoke "funny" English .
Just as I am understandably amused whenever my computer tries ( unsuccessfully ) to correct and change my correct spellings of English words like favour , fibre , calibre , programme, endeavour, materialise, cheque, labour , colours, honour and many other spellings of English words.

Devon Boon had asked a very puzzling question which has left millions of people in and outside the UK ; going  "Aaww?!" "You  kidding me?! She actually said that ?"
No, she was not kidding anybody .  She just didn't care and she was BLANK about many aspects of her environment.
She admitted afterwards  in her interviews with a number of news media; she just did not have a clue  who David Cameron was , neither did she have the desire to know much about anything else .
 ** For full story Google " Devon  Boon "
                                                               Devon Booth 

People were incredulous that Devon could be so ignorant even while living in the same country where a young woman like her, a 2O year-old girl , Mhairi Black  MP, who is a final -year law student had recently won a seat making her the UK's youngest Member of Parliament in 300 years.
During the same election,  thousands of young persons in the same age bracket as Mhairi and Devon had worked tirelessly as volunteer campaign officers to ensure the success of their choice candidates and of their favourite political parties .
 I agree with the saying that "Beauty fades , dumb is forever " ; but  I do not  approve of stereotypical descriptions of blond females and all beautiful females as " Dumb Blond " or "Dumb Pretty Face" .
These terms were used to describe Devon Boon in online comments mocking and condemning Devon Boon for her unusual ignorance. 
Devon is blond and pretty but that does not make her idiotic  and "dumb ".
There are millions of blonde and pretty girls and women who have achieved outstanding success in their chosen careers in ALL fields of  human endeavours.
Other  online comments  mocked that Devon was just another statistic of the number of UK citizens who think that all they need to do in order to survive in life is to relax and depend on the nation's from cradle -to -grave generous welfare package ; paid for by hard-working UK tax-payers .
For such people the ambition to acquire higher education or professional skills  is at the lowest on the  list  of their priorities.
Some commentator asked," Why couldn't her husband educate her about  this ?"
 The father of a single woman's child is not recognised as her "husband".
 Devon Boon's  boyfriend , her child's father , could have failed to encourage her to improve her education for two reasons .
Firstly, if Devon was uninterested in improving her educational status, there would have been little or nothing which her boyfriend could do to make her change her mind from her chosen path of ignorance.
Unlike what obtains in master /servant / slave/ employee relationships , marriages and love relationships are supposed to be relationships between two mutually consenting adults .
Boyfriends and husbands could suggest  their own ideas or advice to their women  which their wives , girlfriends could decide to accept or reject .
 In situations where females refuse to comply with the advice or wishes of their men, in the UK , men are not permitted by Law to force their ideas or their wishes on any unwilling female .
 Secondly, if  Devon's boyfriend is one of the insecure men who feel they cannot  "control" intelligent women , then he could have chosen Devon as a partner because he noticed that she was "thick " .
 "Thickness" in females is preferred by insecure men , who seek just a pretty face only in a girl  .
In every society on earth, there are millions of  men and boys who are turned ON  by girls and women who are either not very smart and females  who are stark illiterates .
For such insecure males, the "dumber " and " thicker" their partners or wives are, the better and the safer for their male egos,
Insecure men are turned off by intelligent females because such men would feel very small , very frightened and their male ego and masculinity would be threatened whenever they are in relationships with females who they know are too educated and too experienced to be cheated on or "controlled" by men .
Not only do insecure men prefer illiterate or semi-illiterate females but they also do everything to ensure that their illiterate partners remain in their "dumb" state , forever.
It is unbelievable but true that in some parts of the world, there are oppressive men who make sure that their wives  or girlfriends are kept in the dark and that they do not get smart enough to know how to read and write at all .
Oppressive husbands and boyfriends are selfish and terrified enough to lay down strict orders that their women must never exchange  phone calls and texts messages with anyone and they must never use the internet or watch the TV  in the man's absence!
But while enforcing  serious restrictions and ignorance on their wives, such men themselves are very active all over the Internet .  These use  Yahoo , Google , Hotmail, MSN, Face Book , Skype , WhatsApp, Twitter , Messenger, Google Talk , you just name it , they have active profiles there '
While keeping their women from using the Internet , they are on various online sites everyday; either improving and adding to their own arsenal of  knowledge and current affairs or they are busy with their online business deals or they spend a lot of their waking hours chatting up dozens of females on SKYPE or on their Face book , WhatsApp , Messenger or Twitter profiles .
They conceal their Face Book comments and chats with different females from all the other females on their profiles by posting on FB Message boxes only , never on the Face Book walls of females !
Some of these men who are married or engaged already , present themselves  to girls and women as "Single" or as "In a complicated / toxic relationship with a desparate woman who doesn't satisfy me but she keeps forcing herself on me !" .
Such predatory men arrange dates with scores of  females giving each of them  the same deceptive promises of " my love for you was INSTANT LOVE at first sight ! I assure you of my everlasting love for you and  my desire to marry you very soon . Please , please , my darling , I cant wait anymore ! Let's meet as soon as possible and let start planning our wedding !"
Surely , these men must think they are God's gift  to all women and their false  promises must be the much -awaited magic words and marriage proposals which are  guaranteed to make every single woman somersault several times and roll on the ground with gratitude to men and thanksgiving to God ?? 

For asking this sensational question , Devon Boon  became an instant "Internet Sensation ", ,attracting thousands of friends and followers ,  over night
Many have asked , "She is a sensation for doing what or saying which remarkable stuff on the internet ?"
May be Devon deserves her  "Internet Sensation crown ". She did not ask for it ; all she did was to ask one of the most idiotic questions ever asked by British citizens.
Why wouldn't Devon become an "Internet Sensation "?
All the other " internet sensations " who are attracting  hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers , what remarkable stuff  have they done and said ?
 It is common knowledge that for people who care to do so , all they have to do to attract followers could be doing  the easy, "sensational" work of buying  thousands of followers and subscribers to boost the ratings of their social sites .
 In fact quite a large number of  females have proved that all it takes for them to become overnight " internet sensations "who are attracting thousands of male followers;  is for them to be "generous" enough to post their "sensational " semi nude photos on their social sites and then occasionally , they would post some dumb comments there like "Do you wanna see what am doing to myself , right now? Yeah , I know you do !!".

People were shocked and disgusted ( angry ? ) at Devon Boon 's sensational question.
 It  was an amusing , shocking and sad revelation to hear her question; but LOL! , surprised? No!
I am aware that in the UK and all over the world,  there are millions of men , women , girls and boys like Devon Boon who are adamantly ignorant about what is going on in the world around them.
Such persons are ignorant  not because they lack the brain - power to learn ; but because they just do not give two hoots about acquiring "irrelevant " information about stuff such as important world affairs which do not concern them or appeal to their base instincts.
Surprisingly these same people who have chosen to be basically ignorance; are quite capable of  closely monitoring  the Twitter and Instagram accounts of all their favourite  "celebrities ". 
They know all the activities of the music and film stars ,what they are wearing , the types of latest cars they are driving , the cost of their stars latest houses, what the stars  ate for breakfast and the night -clubs from which their star celebs staggered out  DRUNK ,  last night!
 People are eager to know and sing verbatim ,  the lyrics of ALL  the latest songs on the UK and USA Top Ten Albums or Singles Charts.
They would know the latest  fashion designs and colours in vogue for clothes, shoes and hand bags, the latest perfumes and cosmetics colours .
 But you try asking them simple general knowledge questions and I assure you that you will draw a BLANK.
They are BLANK when it comes to knowledge about important events around them because they consider such information "unnecessary and irrelevant  distractions " .

In one of the comments about Devon Boon's ignorance, someone write expressed disgust and called for a public flogging for her . Some blamed her parents for her lack of general knowledge and her lack of interest in learning..
Public flogging is out of the question ; it changes nothing and changes nobody and it is barbaric ; as such it that cannot be the appropriate punishment  for Devon or for anybody .

My comment is : let the Devon Boons of this world  be. The bliss , if  there is any  in ignorance , does not last .
 TIME usually repays people and their unborn generations for ignorance .
Time is a good and faithful pay-master and the rewards of their ignorance is imminent.
In future , it will be "Pay Day " for all ignorant people and for those people who enforce ignorance on their fellow human beings just because they are terrified and insecure by the light of awareness.
What will publicly flog ignorant people and their oppressors who enforce ignorance on them will come to them , soon or late,   
Poverty, public ridicule , loss , retrogression and shame are the whips in the hand of  Ignorance which mete out deserved public flogging to those who preach or embrace Ignorance .
Unfortunately , when the " public flogging " is taking place , not only the persons who deserve the flogging would feel the pain and the shame ; other innocent members of their families and people connected with them will also suffer .
Even their unborn generations too will suffer the effects of their ignorance.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Sexting is Shared Naivety

Naivety is the tendency to make choices hastily and too readily, based on believing what one hears or sees .
Other terms  for naivety are credulousness, foolishness,  gullibility - or childish innocence , simplicity , or lack of experience.
Naivety is not found in younger or uneducated people only . It is a trait which could  be found in humans across all age groups  and social classes.
One of the harmful  results of naivety is being gullible a.k.a . being easily deceived and this inability to see, hear or recognise the evil intentions of people whom they trust is what all naive people have in common.
The rewards for naivety are as numerous and unpleasant as the rewards for the persons who lack the foresight of weighing the consequences of building multilevel structures on clay foundations.

" Sexting" is the term for sending sexually explicit images and messages, primarily between mobile phones.
This practice has become wide-spread amongst teenagers not only in the UK , but elsewhere .
When a group of young persons , especially school boys , are gathered and they are laughing while they are watching something on their mobile phones , i-Pad or lap-tops, there is no need asking them "What is funny? What are you guys looking at and laughing at ?! "
You want to know "What is funny "?
Watching nude and sex photos and videos of  each other and of their male and female friends  is what they think is funny!
Where "sexting" become most alarming and most unacceptable is when children are targeted , groomed ,  misled , blackmailed and even forced to engage in sharing their nude and sexually explicit photos and videos.
Teenagers and children both males and females are naive enough to comply with pressures to  share sexually explicit selfies with their friends , school mates and whosoever they think it is "fun" to share them with .
Most young persons do not report such requests made to them out of fear or just because they do not know it is a criminal offence for anyone to demand for , to make and to share sexually explicit photos and videos of children .

" Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead inasmuch as her spoiler lives.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson, Scars Of Beauty 

 Naive and gullible children, teenagers and even some naive adults who have had little or no life experiences  have no clue about how vulnerable they become when they share their intimate images .
Young girls are targets who are highly sought-after by boys and older men because men know that the younger and less experienced they are , the easier it is to  impress and deceive females with sweet words and dishonest romantic gestures .
Therefore naive females are the usual victims of  blackmail and revenge antics of people they have trusted. 
Their "not having a clue" about the workings of the male psyche is the main reason why naive and impressionable girls and naive adult women are popular as EASY and CHEAP targets for philandering males who succeed in sweet-talking gullible females into posing for nude photos and sex videos .

Young persons  are not the only ones who it think it is funny to share their nudity and sex recordings  all over the place , with all and sundry .It is common sight to see adult men and women in offices , clubs , pubs and elsewhere in groups hooting with laughter as they stare at

Friday, 27 March 2015


A scarlet sea of ceramic poppies 'planted' at the Tower of London to commemorate the centenary of the First World War was expected to raised at least an incredible £11.2million for charity. 

Entitled Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, the art installation  saw a staggering 888,246 poppies appear in the grounds of the Tower - one for every soldier from the UK, Australia and the Commonwealth killed during the Great War.
The poppy has long been the symbol of military remembrance in Britain since the First World War, when a poem from the time recalled the bright-red flower growing in the fields of Flanders.

  Some 8,000 volunteers worked to place the ceramic flowers, the work of artist Paul
 Cummins, into the ground.

The first flower was planted on 17 July 2014 and the last was put in place on 11 November 2014 to coincide with Armistice Day.
The poppies range in height from 15cm (6in) to 1m tall. 
The installation began in early August and evolved over the weeks.
The first ceramic poppy was planted in July and the final one will be added on 11 November 2014.
 By then, 888,246 poppies filled the moat, each one representing a British or colonial death during the conflict. 
The artwork was put together with the help of the stage designer Tom Piper, who said he had wanted to create a "fluid and organic feel to it, you could see it as blood, water or life force". 
"The installation is transient, I found this poignant and reflective of human life, like those who lost their lives during World War One," said Cummins. 
"It will be nice to keep it here but it isn't mine anymore - it belongs to the world now.
Paul Cummins , creative designer of  the Sea of Poppies at the Tower .

The Sea of Red Poppies was a sight  to behold indeed. As expected, it drew an estimated crowd of 4 million viewers to the Tower of London  from all over the world for many weeks .
During days and nights and  late into the nights , millions of people gathered to admire the beautiful array on the moat which surrounded the ancient Tower of London .
Thousands of people had signed an e-petition calling for the poppies to remain.
To allow as many people as possible to see the installation, the hours that the site was illuminated was extended from 04:30 GMT until dawn and then from dusk until midnight.







Millions of people requested that the poppy display should remain intact  for one year.
But this request was not granted . The Sea of Poppies was dismantled, finally  .
Large crowds gathered on the final day  to catch a last view of the the beautiful and unique war memorial.
The Tower of London shut it gates and retained its reputation of being a massive crowd puller.

     The final Clean -Up . All the poppies are gathered and carefully stored  .

The ceramic poppies were on sale for £25 each with net proceeds, hoped to be in excess of £9.5 million, being shared equally amongst a group of carefully selected Service charities — The Royal British Legion, Confederation of Service Charities (COBSEO), Combat Stress, Coming Home, Help for Heroes and SSAFA (formerly the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association).
All poppies were sold by late October 2014 and delivered to those who ordered them.
 Information about the delivery of poppies and whether more may become available for sale can be found at

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year !

Happy  New Year !
Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord is risen upon you .
God bless you.

Happy New Year !