Sunday 15 February 2009


Flowers,gorgeous Valentine flowers , are THE essence of romance.
I, like millions of women, have come to cherish this gesture of love and appreciation from our spouses or partners. Not only on Valentine Day but as often as the occasion calls for it.
I am sure that, yesterday , the sight of those gorgeous flowers , chocolates, cards, lingerie, perfumes and candle-lit dinners gave pleasure and happiness to millions world wide .
Pleasure to both the receiver and the giver.
For me, the pleasure still lingers on.
The true test of love is :when you take away the feeling, the passion , the lust and the romance and you find out that you still care for that person.

Valentine Day has received knocks as being "too commercialised" and "carnal".
But what woman (or man) or child wouldn't love to be appreciated and reassured?
An essential part of expressing mutual love is exchanging kind, loving words and gifts.Congratulations to millions of lovey-doveys , world-wide, who kept the fire of romance burning on Valentine Day. Thank you for "being there" and for bringing sunshine into someone's life in this climate of gloom and doom.

Agreed,Love cannot be measured by the exchange of expensive gifts. It is priceless.
However, on this earthly plane, people tend to place their treasures (money included!) where their heart is.
Love is the wonderful feeling for another person that cannot be described by words only but also by actions . So watch that lover who professes undying love but spends his /her money on everything and everybody else except on you . Excuse? "Free love is the ideal ". Free love indeed!
Love is placing or finding our happiness in the happiness of another.
Love is the noble art of self -giving; of losing a part of your yourself to become one with your loved one. So keep the flag of loving and giving flying!

How did you spend yesterday? Alone ? You received your card, flowers and present but he/she made excuses for W.B.A. (Will Be Absent)- due to unforeseen "work commitments" Ouch! Or , did you receive a love- quotes-filled , gorgeous card addressed by him/her to someone else; but given or sent to you ,by mistake? Hmm.....
Well , these are topics for another day .
Take heart . The best is yet to come. Life goes on.
If love is blind, do not be the one who forgot to buy a cane.

Tina Edgal.

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